
First of all, thank you all for making this project a reality.

How to donate

The donation system is exclusively to help the project and its purposes. Therefore they will all be public.

Donations can be made via PAYPAL, METAMASK, TRUST WALLET, BINANCE, COINBASE and Transfer.
All donations will be published in the amount and origin of the same, unless otherwise indicated in the income.

Crypto Wallets Donations

Metamask Red Smart Chain: 0x22007FFA0191826FB7Be80FC6D639F74142F4713
Metamask Red Ethereum: 0x91D533132c4B72Caed310a2655C3BD3630631290
DESEO: 0xE39AFC54fc2E9604B50571e1f196dAd3D513e7A3

Other types of donations

Send email requesting information to:


27-09-2021 | Donation: 3000 Tokens DESEO | Gregor Julian Ruz

29-09-2021 | Donation: 0.00005279 ETH |Anonymous

29-09-2021 | Donation: 0.02359676 XTZ | Anonymous

02-10-2021 | Sell NFT: 0.20 BNB

Help us by buying an NFT

By acquiring an NFT you are contributing to the DESEO NFT project. Each sale goes entirely to the project. Thus guaranteeing the availability of funds to help those who need it.

Do you want to create a direct collaboration with DESEO? Buy one of our NFTs from the following markets:

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